How to tell if your awake or asleep

 Seems like a pretty easy thing to do, right? How can someone not tell
the difference between being asleep or being awake?

Well, the scary thing is that it is incredibly hard to tell!

And if you're asleep, you might just be dreaming a long, long dream.
So in case you can't tell if you're asleep or awake, here are a few
pointers to help you out.

You're still "asleep" if you:

* Feel unfulfilled, as if a huge piece is missing from your life

* Find yourself frustrated that a certain 'want' has not yet manifested
in your life
* Have regrets about things that have happened you in the past.

* Are still searching for your life's purpose

If any one of those points describes you, then chances are you're still
asleep. And the truth of the matter is that MOST people are still asleep.

So it's time to WAKE UP...

Most of us have been sleep-walking our entire lives and never get to
wake up to who we are and our unique gifts.

But we've been blessed with an extraordinary wake up call. It's called
The Awakening and it's an incredible 3-part process developed by
consciousness expert, Arjuna Ardagh (he's studied awareness and
consciousness for 4 decades).

Discover how to WAKE UP over here >>

This process of Awakening has been hailed by people such as John
Assaraf, Gay and Katie Hendricks, Bill Harris, Marianne Williamson,
and countless others.

Find out how to experience Awakening over here

The most wonderful thing about the Awakening is that you can experience
it within minutes! Check it out. I know it will open you up to some amazing

Finer Minds

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